Dia das Amigas
February 2 – doors open at 7:00pm
In Portugal, “Dia das Amigas” is a day to celebrate the strong bonds of friendship between women. Friends, both old and new, make a special effort to re-connect; calling or visiting each other and going out for a good time. This year, HPC will host an evening of dinner and comedy for ladies only.
Cost of show is only $20.00 and includes a buffet dinner and cash bar.
Dinner will be: Salad, Fettuccini Alfredo, Chicken in Garlic Sauce, Desert & Coffee.
Please contact us for reservations on or before Febuary 1st.
Email: functions@riverviewhpc.com or by phone (978) 567-1929 or (978) 568-1541.
Three very talented comedians will be performing at the show.
Headlining the night will be Tom Gilmore. Tom is a top notch comedian who has performed from Atlantic City to Lake Taho. He has worked with many well known comedians such as Lenny Clarke, Paula Poundstone, Bobcat Goldthwaite, Steve Sweeney, Leslie Neilsen and many others.
The evening will also feature Vermont native E.J. Murphy who has built a reputation as one of the Northeast’s consistently funny comedy acts. His Vermont upbringing helped him form his unique perspective, which blends with an onstage friendliness to make him a hit with all audiences.
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CD Fundraiser Dinner
HPC’s “Grupo das Candeias” is holding a dinner dance to raise funds for the production of their first CD. The dinner will be held on February 4th. Doors will open at 7:00pm. The Candeias group has always been a big supporter of the club and we are very proud to have them. Let’s show our gratitude by supporting them in their effort!
Dinner will be Bolo na Panela and Chiçharro Frito.
Tickets are $25 for Adults and $12 Kids under 12.
For tickets please contact:
Juvenália Chaves (978) 875-0352
Laura Monteiro (978) 394-6907
Maria Leandres (978) 568-8491