Midwinter Cultrual Events at HPC

Midwinter Cultural Events at the Club

Caldo de Nabos

On January 26th, the Império Mariense will be holding a Caldo de Nabos dinner.  This is a fundraiser for the Império which is an important part of the history and culture of our club.  The dinner is very traditional.  Entertainment will be DJ Nilton.  Come out out and have a great time!  Doors open at 7:00pm.

Tickets are $25 for adults and $12 for kids 12 and under.

For more information or tickets please contact Paul Freitas (978) 337-0954

Festa das Candeias

HPC’s “Grupo das Candeias” will be hosting their annual Festa das Candeias on February 2 at 7:00pm.  In addition to musical performances by the Grupo das Candeias, groups from Hudson and Canada will be performing their Caranaval dances.  Dinner will consist of Bolo na Panela and Chicharro Frito.

Tickets are $25 for Adults and $12 for children under 12.

For tickets please contact any of the following:

  • Juvenália Chaves (978) 875-0352
  • Laura Monteiro (978) 394-6907
  • Maria Leandres (978) 568-8491

Venha celebrar connosco “Noite de Mascarados 2013”

Noite de Mascarados 2013 will be celebrated it on the Friday, Frebruay 8th.  Some call it Portuguese Halloween. We call it a fun night out.  Think you can guess who is actually in the costume?  Do you think you can fool everyone so they don’t know who is in the costume?  It’s up to you!  Everyone who would like to is encouraged to come in costume.  Groups wishing to perform skits in costume are welcome!  There will be a concession stand with traditional foods.  Our DJ will be playing music for dancing.  Prizes will be awarded to both adults and children for creativity, best costume and best skit.  Doors open at 7:30pm and the fun goes on till midnight.  Tickets are $10 for adults.  Children under 12 are free.  For more information on Mascarados, please contact the club at (978) 568-0561 or (978) 567-1929.

Carnaval 2013

The Saturday and Sunday following Mascarados is CARNAVAL!!!

HPC will be hosting performing groups from all over New England on Saturday, February 9th from 3pm till 1:30am and again on Sunday the 10th from 11:30am till 11:30pm. Most shows will perform on an hourly schedule. Come and see the costumes and listen to the music that these groups have worked so hard on. There is no door charge for this event however a hat is passed at the end of each performance to show our appreciation. Food and drink will be available.  For more information on Carnaval, please contact the club at (978) 568-0561 or (978) 567-1929.

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